三雲 はるな
Haruna Mikumo
三雲 はるな
Haruna Mikumo
三雲 はるな
Haruna Mikumo
三雲 はるな
Haruna Mikumo
静岡県立沼津西高等学校 芸術科を経て、東京藝術大学卒業。
在学中、奏楽堂モーニングコンサートに選抜され、藝大フィルハーモニア管弦楽団と共演。 同大学院修士課程 室内楽科を首席で修了。 また大学院在学中にスイスバーゼル音楽院に合格し、スイスに留学。同音楽院の修士課程、演奏家課程を共に首席で修了。
2022年にはBasler Förderpreis der Stiftung BOG 2022にて第2位獲得、これまでに静岡県学生音楽コンクール、日本クラシック音楽コンクール全国大会など多数のコンクールで優勝または上位入賞。
A.オプレアン、R.オレクの各氏に師事。 (2023.8 更新)
2023.9.2 CDリリース「高原の朝~ミューズアサギリのテーマ~」

収録曲:1.高原の朝(ヴァイオリン・ピアノデュオ) 2.高原の朝(オリジナル)
発売元:OTOTABA Co.,Ltd
Haruna Mikumo
After finishing the art course at Shizuoka Numazu Nishi High School, she went on to graduate from Tokyo University of the Arts.
While a student, she was selected as a soloist for the Sogakudo Morning Concert and performed with the Geidai Philharmonia Orchestra. She then graduated at the top of the master’s program in Chamber Music.
While in graduate school, she was accepted to the Basel Academy of Music in Switzerland, where she completed her studies with top honors for the Master of Arts in Musical Performance, as well as Master of Solo Performance.
Upon completion of her graduate studies at Tokyo University of the Arts, she was awarded the Taito Ward Mayor’s Prize and the Postgraduate Acanthus Music Award.
In 2022, she won the second prize at the Basler Förderpreis der Stiftung BOG 2022. She has won or placed high in numerous competitions, including the Shizuoka Student Music Competition and the Japan Classical Music Competition.
While studying in Switzerland, she trained as an orchestra trainee with the Basel Symphony Orchestra, the Basel Chamber Orchestra, and the Zurich Tonhalle Orchestra. She has performed with the Mt. Fuji Philharmonic Orchestra, the Central Aichi Symphony Orchestra, the Chamber Academy Basel, and the Basel Symphony Orchestra.
Currently, she is a permanent member of the Mannheim National Theatre Orchestra in Germany.
She has trained under a roster of professors, including Sonoko Numata, Ryo Mikami, H. Zack,
Katsuya Matsubara, Natsumi Tamai, B. Doll, A. Oprean, and R. Oleg.